
Build a Content Card

You can create Content Cards for both single send campaigns as well as dynamic Canvases.

Create a Content Card in the Campaigns Tab

Navigate to Campaigns > Create Campaign > Content Card to get started creating a Content Card in the Campaigns tab.

Braze dashboard showing the Campaigns tab
Create a Content Card in the Campaigns tab

Compose your message, then, continue following the set up wizard and launch your campaign.

Campaign setup wizard in Braze dashboard
Campaign setup wizard

Create a Content Card in the Canvas Tab

Navigate to Canvas > Create Canvas to get started creating a Content Card in the Canvas tab.

Braze dashboard on the Canvas tab
Create a Content Card in the Canvas tab

Follow the setup wizard, then, in the Build Canvas tab, add a message component and choose Content Cards to be your messaging channel.

Canvas setup wizard
Follow the setup wizard to begin building your Content Card
Message component in the Build Canvas tab
Add a Message component
Message channel selection in the Message component
Select Content Cards as your messaging channel

Build A Content Card

Watch the video below or read the written instructions to learn how to build a Content Card.

Content Card Customization Using Key-Value Pairs

If you use multiple feeds, or have special customizations, you may need to use . For example, you can use key-value pairs to determine the location of a Content Card on your mobile app or website.

Key-value pairs are like two-sided flash cards. One side, the "key," is the topic or name, and the other side, the "value," is the detail or answer. For example, if the topic is "gender," the detail could be "female."

When using key-value pairs for your Content Card placement, you might use:

Key= location, Value = top

You must work with your developers to define and build out these key-value pairs so that Braze is able to successfully pass information to your app or website.

The Braze dashboard interface for adding key-value pairs to a message
Add key-value pairs in the Settings tab of your Content Cards

How to Add a Key-Value Pair

To add a key-value pair to your Content Card, navigate to the Compose Messages tab, then click Settings. Once there, click Add New Pair.

The Braze dashboard displaying the interface where you can add key value pairs to your Content Cards
Add key-value pairs to your Content Cards in the Settings tab

Testing Content Cards

After a user receives a Content Card, the content of the card cannot be edited. One way to catch any possible errors before launch is to test your Content Cards. Watch the video below or read the instructions to learn how.

Push required

To test your Content Cards, push must already be integrated.

Updating Launched Content Cards

While you cannot directly edit Content Cards after a user receives them, there are different actions you can take if you see an error in your card:

  • Duplicate the campaign
    Archive the campaign and remove active cards from the feed. Then, duplicate the campaign and relaunch it with your updates.

    Keep in mind that each version of the card will have separate analytics. Additionally, users who already performed the conversion or dismissed that card will get the card again. To adjust for this, you can create a new segment on the duplicate campaign that excludes users who already interacted with the previous card.
  • Stop the campaign and relaunch
    Stop your campaign and remove the active Content Cards from user's feeds. Then, edit the campaign and restart it.

    In this scenario, the campaign retains all reporting analytics for all card versions launched. Additionally, users who already received the cards will not receive the updated cards until they become re-eligible.

You must have re-eligibility turned on to stop and relaunch a campaign. If re-eligibility is turned off, users will not receive the new card. Re-eligibility is a setting in the Audience step of your campaign setup. To learn more about updating launched cards, review our technical documentation.

Review Content Card Analytics

After you launch your Content Card campaign, you can review campaign analytics on the campaign details page. Read the instructions to learn how to access these performance metrics.

Campaign Content Cards Analytics

  1. Go to Messaging > Campaigns
  2. Click on your previously made campaign
  3. Navigate to the Details page of that campaign
Braze dashboard displaying analytics for a Content Card campaign
Content Card Campaign analytics in the Braze dashboard

Canvas Content Cards Analytics

  1. Go to Messaging > Canvas
  2. Click on your previously made canvas
  3. Navigate to the Details page of that canvas
  4. Find the Message Step with the Content Card, it will show the analytics for that step.
Content Card Canvas analytics displayed in the Braze dashboard
Content Card Canvas analytics in the Braze dashboard

Learn more about Content Card analytics in our documentation on Content Card reporting.